"The man without Rhino " (The monument for Rhino)
It is a monument which was installed in a gallery showcase in public space. Its creation was initiated by the questions that I asked myself at the time: a part of the artistic community in Czech Republic at the time addressed the question of the form of memorials in public spaces. This led me to thinking about the importance of memorials and to whom memorials are usually devoted to (a famous person, or event). My monument is designed to the rhino, which has recently gone extinct (Diceros bicornis longipes) and others who may follow him. I wanted for my monument to be relevant for the present and to serve as an appeal, or a reminder that there is now still time to prevent some events from happening (possibilities and efforts of rescuing other endangered rhino species). The monument exhibition
also contained a performance, in which I gifted the exhibition participants with stickers in the shape of logo of the IUCN - the threatened species red list with the text “The Man Without the Rhino.”
(foto©Monika Abrhámová)